When I was about 17 or 18 years old, while living in #7 Hillsborough Drive, Cregagh Belfast. I had three special girl friends. Two sisters, Molly and Flora Thompson and another girl who was the owner of a hairdressing salon. She and Molly were special friends. Flora and I did special things like cycling. Many times the four of us would go to a picture show or picnics. Not forgetting the carol singing and going around the "cribs" at Christmas. During this period of my life, we had great excitement in Northern Ireland. The TT Races (Tourist Trophy) were run around the villages and small towns around Belfast. This was motorcycle racing. The banks at the side of the roads were covered by people lying on their stomachs. It is best to view the motorcycles real low. It was a 23-mile course. And afterwards, Flora and I decided to ride our bicycles around it. The course took in many villages and plenty of small hills.